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Saturday 23 August 2014

Will the world end in 2032? What have come on the day of judgement or doom? This question is once again being asked to loud-noise. Khagolshastriyon says that some smaller and larger pokal stars (Comet) move unimpeded toward Earth-watchword are coming. Chances are that some of these may have bumped into our Earth. Last year, time magazine has reported that the star or a planet fast chudra pokal Earth coming towards. It's very powerful and it has more than 50 nuclear bombs is devastating. It is coming from the earth can clashing over 18 years. Imagine the destruction that it may not be. Time reported that Ukraine's astronomers has come a huge chudra planet Earth seen. It has been named and 135 television was told that this tragic from the Earth on August 26, 2032. Many of the countries khagolshatriyon this estimate has confirmed. Scientists are unanimous that the 1350 feet long rock the Earth really tragic. But he acknowledged that it will power 2500 megatons TNT. February 2013 in Russia's chelyabinsk had dropped a pokal star. He dropped from a speed of 19 kilometers which is very undermining. He proceeded to shake the Windows of thousands of homes and many houses are harmed. On the strength of the blast in Hiroshima atomic bomb was 30 times more. Hundreds of people with wounded while he was a very small piece and its length was only 1,000 meters. Since that incident have become scientific's global critics and he has stepped up its search. This can happen in 2080 Scientists say that another star that has been named 1950DA pokal, coming toward Earth faster. On March 16, the speed will fall in 2080. Its diameter is 1000 meters and chances are it has a speed of 38,000 kilometers per hour from the Earth than tragic. It is moving so fast that rules of gravity also hand-held ceased. It is also being said that maybe it's coming into our space has already been pieces. Although some scientists are assuming that these events are not possible and before hitting the earth stars own pokal shattered-will be shattered. They believe that the Sun's rays influences these wires will be destroyed. But many assume that an event like this can be.

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