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Thursday 15 August 2013

Rose smelling sandalwood tree in barren

Khandwa in Madhya Pradesh, an enthusiastic 49-year-old farmer cultivating sandalwood Abhay Jain started three years ago when the people understand him batty. But today, three hundred of the 36,000-acre sandalwood tree has eight to ten feet high. They think that means applying sandalwood tree python snake and be inviting. Lhlha sandalwood trees on rocky ground in no time invoked. Fragrance drained away. The farm became so famous that sandalwood see it - far away from the people started coming here. Sandalwood to the horticulture Jain was like killing two birds with one stone. Greening up the green and earnings. They Harsaud hundred fifty acres and acres of land in the village balwara Subbul and had earned millions by using eucalyptus. He then decided to cultivate sandalwood and sandalwood from Bangalore were trained in commercial plantations. But there's more in the way of his dreams were ballasts. The government does not subsidize the cultivation of sandalwood. Jain tried to take a loan from the bank, but it also had problems. Sujः then measure them with sandalwood cultivation of amla also. Bank of amla cultivation came in handy trick from two million to Rs one crore. Got debt. SR Brud bank branch manager Decorative says,'' sandalwood cultivation obsessive person could take the risky decision.'' The next challenge was marred slightly lower economic troubles make barren land fertile. The first Jain built a pond. The rise in groundwater levels, the plants, the water is also available. With sandalwood cultivation of amla and gained a technical assistant in the Department of Horticulture, Jawaharlal Jain,'' parasitic sandalwood tree. Its roots seek nourishment from the tree. Amla they contain the nutrients that are required for sandalwood. Expense of the security of sandalwood can be extracted from amla revenue.'' Chandan Jain walls surrounding the private forest, and every tree planting sensors is planned to deploy armed guards. He explains,'' Fifteen years later the price of a tree about six lakh. Will. The oil is the most expensive element in the tree. ¾ liter oil that comes from the root of a tree whose market price of Rs two lakh. Liters.'' However, it will have to take permission from the forest department. Jain took advantage of this policy. From this awareness will bring prosperity in the garden of life. Farmers in the area are keenly looking at this experiment.

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