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Friday 30 August 2013

Your health is always a handle

Three phases in any woman's life are the most important. The first is the monthly cycle starts, then when she becomes a mother when the breeding season ends and the last menstrual cycle and stops. This stage in a woman's body are not limited to the biological changes, but their influence physical, mental and emotional happens. During these three steps how to handle your health, are telling Shamim Khan Handle health during periods such periods for most women, a small - no more than inconvenience, but for some women it becomes a big problem. The onset is between 12-16 year periods. Female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone control periods. Do not eat rice as yogurts and cold periods. Iron deficiency leads to excessive periods, the anemia, fatigue, grow pale skin, can cause problems such as lack of energy and shortness of breath. Hormone imbalance, stress, pregnancy or abortion, be high or low thyroid, ovary syndrome due to dieting or excessive exercise and Polisist periods leads to disturbances in the cycle. Pregnancy to full health of the pregnant woman's life is the best phase. But the shape of your body giving birth to a child is not a normal thing. During this period, a woman undergoes many physical changes. This time should take care of the catering. Usually a pregnant woman needs about 300 extra calories. The fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, milk, dairy products and fish and egg intake then asks if you are carnivorous. Pregnant women need adequate rest and sleep. They at least eight hours at night and sleep two hours a day. Do not take any medicine without consulting gynecologist. This can damage the baby and you. Some tips for pregnant women 27 mg per day. g. Iron hundred days must take. vitamin B6 intake pregnant women morning sickness prevents. tea and coffee at least drink, because these Tenin is the absorption of iron blocks. normal women every where 1,000 Requires milligrams of calcium while pregnant and lactating women need 1,300 milligrams. Healthy at menopause menopause That phase of a woman's life when her periods stop. It signals the end of her fertility. This condition usually comes at the age of 45-55. It almost stops producing estrogen and progesterone. Hot Flash, excessive sweating at night, sweating and heat come into sleep problems, low sexual desire, mood change, etc. Common problems that can occur during menopause.

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