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Monday 26 May 2014

Dream really big secret,know about dreams

Dream big secret . Add psychological desire dreams . Singmond internationally renowned psychologist Freud, profound desire of the human mind ' Livido said . The results of modern psychological desire to intense dreams . According to the latest information , scientists have reached the power of dreams . Mind putting into effect specific levels of electromagnetic waves are used . Scientists claim that the dream may prevent electrical shocks . But walking will still be fabricated in dream sequences that could not be explained . In a study of Egypt arrived in dreams is really hard to understand the meaning of views . " Dictionary of Dreams' is mentioned in the Egyptian surprising that study . Its basic principle is similar to Indian meditation . According to Freud, all dreams are the result of our desire . Swpnsrgk god is stated in the Atharva Veda . The poem is called the daughter of the work . Egyptian first appeared in the Upanishads also heavily sought to understand dreams . Freud 's half true . Most dreams are our own creation . Gdhta one 's mind and the world . We are entitled to the world of dreams . The dream world is fun . Never beautiful , forest , park , trees never dried . Many dream unchanged for the second day prove to be correct . Freud 's analysis of modern psychology , not to mention the dreams . " Dictionary of Dreams' to see the big snake in dream interpretation. Suffer in the future will look like golden yellow viper snake fluke . No one can say it is superstition . But seeing the dream can not be blind to read and comprehend reading . What future are reporting the results of our dreams ? What Freud ' Livido ' is also responsible for such dreams ? " Dictionary of Dreams ' dreams such particular as a result of the cosmic consciousness is connected to . Part of man 's entire existence . But the unit also . Conditions of deep sleep are at least two types . Snrpun life moves only in sleep . Our sensory becomes zero , the mind becomes Pacific . In Indian philosophy the idea that the mind is the rhythm of life . Then there are no dreams . We also waking dream . The reason is the mind . Pacific is Swpnhin mind during sleep . Patanjali Yoga Sutras, the mind is focused on the end . But the idea that the mind is not moving away . Whatever the truth , but your biggest energy Swpnhin sleep . At the beginning of sleep eyes, ears , nose etc. are sensitivity , are tools of the mind . Avoid procrastination mind after consideration of the senses . In this case are the result of the desire to dream up . But the mind is impaired consciousness, occasionally joins with cosmic consciousness . Then came the dream are not the result of our desire . They are a glimpse of the divine motion . Cosmos Co or Totaliti picture shows . Perhaps graphical mind that the whole individual . Some are true and many futile dream . Pipplad of Berne - Tap is a part of Brahman - Prsnopanisd . Prsnopanisd is unique . The discomfort of faith questions . 6 sages in narrative Pipplad sage - a question . The fourth question is fun . Gragy asked, ' Who is going to be in deep sleep, the man - who slept divine powers ? Who stays awake ? Who sees these events in a dream ? Who is fun to sleep well ? " Pipplad replied , " All the senses during sleep - Diwyashktian merges in mind , so the individual soul is neither hears nor smells , nor tastes , do not touch , do not speak . Fire is life itself remains awake . In the dream state the individual soul, the mind and the subtle senses to experience its glory - ' Swpne Anubvit Mahimanm . " Note the word glory is here . Entirety is representative of glory , the desire is personal , but the glory is worth desire carries out a dream . Say, ' God in a dream ( I or we ) heard Nana Watched countries , directions again and again sees . Neither seen nor heard treats - listens . The experience of the experience , and the experience is not the experience - Anubhutm Annubhutm f . ' Mind - the scenery fund is seen in the brain . Repetitive sequences seen in the dream makes sense . In the brain, the visual dream state of mind again may appear . We have seen a cow , leopard and bear . Replace cow's mouth in a dream is possible to see bears came home . Both in mind are images of funds . Such views are fabricated . Pen or chiseled dream of mind . Guidance large direct and simple words but in its original meaning is deep . Our mobility routing path is synonymous with rich experience and philosophy . The Upanishads ' Anubhutm Annbhutm f ' . Strung simple due to experience . Annubhut complex . Hokings renowned cosmologist Stephen has discussed in depth the time . Having said that, we can create a high-speed vehicle ? Due to its rapid pace faster than current may reach a run in the future ? Maybe that was possible . Present and future are part of the current run from the time the jumper hope is not lost in the future . Hokings physicist . They think high-speed vehicle . What vehicle do not mind ? I feel like waking moment less than the U.S. , England , France or the lunar sky is reached . This time can also be reduced . The senses of the mind during sleep mess is not difficult to break . It is possible that the mind transcends present its blazingly fast speeds to be reached in the future and reflects the mind of future events . Atharva Veda Bhrigu has rightly said that " time is within the mind . ' Minds during movement in three dimensions - the ghost is in the memory. If in the future aspiration . Freud's interpretation of desire within the dream , but deep sleep alone in his enjoyment in mind this aspiration , the desire to go beyond the views of the future , then wonder what But the surprise too. Science is silent and restless student like us .

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